Yorkshire Unitarian Union 2021 AGM Review

17 in person and 5 more on Zoom attended the 2021 YUU AGM held at York Unitarians on Saturday 23rd October 2021.

The first part of the meeting was the formal business part.

First task was the electing of new President Chris Carr who will be taking over from Christine Dawson.

The finances were then discussed and it was proposed and approved that current Treasurer Elizabeth Faiers would do one more year in the role before handing over to Mateusz Slaboszewski from Mill Hill Chapel who would be shadowing her over the next 12 months.

Rev Stephanie Bisby was nominated and approved in the post of Secretary taking over from Chris Carr.

2 new executive members were elected on to the Committee, David Zucker from York Unitarians and Arek Malecki from Mill Hill Chapel.

The full Executive Committee consists of:-

Lunch followed with time to chat and share a cuppa with old and new friends.

In the second half, GA Chief Officer Liz Slade was welcomed to the meeting and she gave a brief history of her time in the Unitarian movement followed by a presentation on her vision for the future.

This was then followed up by a question and answer session looking at ways to increase numbers in our congregations.

The minutes to the meeting and to past AGM and YUU General Meetings are available on our Executive Committee page:-


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