New book on the history of Pepper Hill chapel

New Book Looking At The History Of Pepper Hill Chapel To Be Released.

Congregation member Ben Stables is publishing a new local history book! about Pepper Hill Chapel.

Pepper Hill Unitarian Chapel began in May 1858 when Alexander Stradling (1820-1905), a chartist, carpet weaver, lecturer, and Unitarian Sunday School teacher, began to visit the area. The Chapel building opened in 1862 and was re-built in 1936 after it collapsed during a storm. For a small Chapel, there is a wealth of history!

The book is just under 100 pages and richly illustrated in full colour.

Copies are available for £6 from Ben Postage would be a few pounds extra (to be confirmed), but collection from Ben (in Shelf) or at the Chapel would be welcome.

All profits from the sale of the book will go to the Chapel and will go towards some repair work which is needed.

The book will be officially launched during the Heritage Open Days weekend, 14th and 15th September 2024.

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