Monthly Services To Start At Great Hucklow

Can you help this request by Ed Fordham from the Sheffield District either as a worship leader or as a member of the congregation?

Dear Friends,

At the meeting of the congregation and Trustees of Great Hucklow it was agreed to seek to go ahead with the provision of a fixed, regular and consistent monthly service at the Chapel. The kind and generious offer of the Chapels within the Sheffield District was received, appreciated and accepted.

So several things now flow from this but the first is the nailing down of services and who will deliver each service. So I am opening a diary – at this stage all I am seeking is a commitment from a named person to lead and deliver Worship – the details around locking, unlocking etc will all follow – as well as the broadcasting and advertising of these services.

To try and secure an awareness and avoid conflict with the provision of other services across the District it is being strongly suggested that we proceed with the first Sunday of each month at 3pm.


Sunday 7th July
Sunday 4th August
Sunday 1st September Rev David Shaw and Liz Shaw (Gt Hucklow)
Sunday 6th October
Sunday 3rd November
Sunday 1st December

Sunday 5th January Ed Fordham (Elder Yard)
Sunday 2nd February
Sunday 1st March
Sunday 8th April
Sunday 3rd May Rev David Shaw and Liz Shaw (Gt Hucklow)
Sunday 7th June

As you can see, I have already started the process of marking off some services to named individuals. But this is essentially your chance to volunteer or ask around your Chapel, friends and congregation to see if you can help us fill the pulpit supply. The issue of pulpit fee and travel costs is currently being sorted – but if for now we can secure the volunteers that would be helpful.

What else do I know?

We will start having a collection in each service towards the chapel and its activities.

There is a residual congregation and they will be notified.

Measures are being taken to involve the village and local community, The Nightingale will be informed.

As we think this will have resonance within the Unitarian Community we will advertise these far and wide.

I hope that that starts things off – for now I am co-ordinating these services and acting as Pulpit Secretary for these purposes.

I hope that that makes sense – over the next few weeks we will clarify issues such as locking and unlocking the building, tea and coffee, collections and cash handling, candles and the such like. There is the outstanding issue of music and organist and we are exploring this currently.

With all best wishes,

Ed Fordham
Trustee of Great Hucklow Old Chapel
Lay Worship Leader, Elder Yard Chapel
Chesterfield Unitarians