The following message comes from Essex Hall:
Dear Friends, you will already be aware, from the announcement at the 2019 Annual Meetings, that John Crosskey is retiring from his post of Finance Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches on 28th June 2019. John indicated at the beginning of the year of his wish and need to spend more time at home with his parents – Henry and Sheila Crosskey. John has worked at Essex Hall for over thirty-three years! During that time, he has seen many colleagues come and go.
We now invite you to show your appreciation of John’s loyalty and long service to the GA by sending a greeting message for his farewell day (by emailing Audrey Longhurst) and / or by contributing to a ‘Thank You Testimonial Collection’.
Please send cheques by Friday 26th July 2019 made out to “The General Assembly of Unitarian & FCC” with ‘John Crosskey Collection’ written on the back of the cheque, to: Unitarian Finance Department, Essex Hall, 1 Essex Street, LONDON, WC2R 3HY. If you would like a remittance acknowledgement email, please also write your email address on the back of the cheque.
If you prefer to send a contribution by direct bank transfer, please use the following GA Bank details: HSBC Fleet Street, Sort Code: 40-02-07, Account No. 30375284, using the reference ‘JX Testimonial’ with the payment. Please then email Audrey Longhurst with the amount, date it was sent, and the payee so that we can work out who payments are from afterwards.